Maritimes Cruise, October 2024
Cruise from Maine up the St. Lawrence Seaway to Quebec City, October 2024. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Portland Head Light House, Maine.  The light station at Ram Island Ledge is off in the distance. Portland Head Light House, Maine. Portland Head Light House, Maine. Gull at Portland Head Light House, Maine. Fort Gorges, Portland, Maine.  The fort was obsolete before it was finished in 1864 and no troops were ever stationed there. Ram Island Ledge, Portland, Maine.
Bar Harbor, Maine. Eagle soaring over Bear Island Light near Bar Harbor, Maine. Bass Harbor Light near Bar Harbor, Maine. Bass Harbor Light near Bar Harbor, Maine. Cranberry Island Station House, formerly a lifesaving station, near Bar Harbor, Maine. Cranberry Island Station House, formerly a lifesaving station, near Bar Harbor, Maine.
Winter Harbor Light, privately owned, near Bar Harbor, Maine. Egg Island, near Bar Harbor, Maine. Our cruise ship the Pearl Mist, anchored near Bar Harbor, Maine. I didn´t get any good wildlife images on our cruise around Acadia, just a few distant shots of eagles.  Click on "More photos of this species" to see 500 bald eagle images better than this one. Distant shot of Seal Island lighthouse as we were cruising off the coast of Nova Scotia on our way to Halifax. Peggy´s Cove, Nova Scotia.
Peggy´s Cove, Nova Scotia. Peggy´s Cove, Nova Scotia. Peggy´s Cove, Nova Scotia. Scatarie Island Light, Nova Scotia. Flint Island Light, Nova Scotia. St. Dunstan´s Basilica, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island.
St. Dunstan´s Basilica, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. St. Dunstan´s Basilica, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island. The initial discussions for the formation of Canada were held in Charlottetown, PEI in 1864. In an odd coincidence, two of the delegates had the exact same name, John Hamilton Gray. This was deemed worthy of building a statue to them across from St. Dunstan´s Basilica. Point Prim Light, Prince Edward Island. Point Prim Light, Prince Edward Island. Wood Islands lights, Prince Edward Island.  The lighthouse is flanked by two harbor lights that were moved to this location.
Wood Islands lights, Prince Edward Island. Rossignal Winery, Prince Edward Island. Sandstone cliffs of Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. We visited Fromagerie Madeline dairy, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec, yellow building at center and the big red barn behind it.  I took this image after we were back on board ship and on our way to the next destination. Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Burgot Lighthouse, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec.
Lobster boats, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Cap Alright Light, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec.  Entry Island is in the background. Cap Alright Light, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Entry Island Light, Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Entry Island panorama, Quebec.  This island has the highest point in the Iles de la Madeleine, but is the only island not connected to the other six by bridges.
Sunset as we were leaving Iles de la Madeleine, Quebec. Sunrise as we were approaching Gaspe, Quebec. Panorama of Gaspe, Quebec. Humpback whale, Gaspe, Quebec. Humpback whale, Gaspe, Quebec. Humpback whale, Gaspe, Quebec.
Humpback whale, Gaspe, Quebec. Seals, Gaspe, Quebec. Seal, Gaspe, Quebec. Cape Gaspe Light, Quebec. Cape Gaspe Light, Quebec. Cape Gaspe, Quebec.
Cape Gaspe, Quebec. Cape Gaspe, Quebec. Cape Gaspe, Quebec. Cape Gaspe, Quebec. Cape Gaspe, Quebec. Perce Rock from 15 miles away, Quebec.
Cape de Rosiers Light just before sunset, Quebec. Frescoes at Sainte Amelie´s, Baie Comeau, Quebec. Frescoes at Sainte Amelie´s, Baie Comeau, Quebec. Gray Seal, Baie Comeau, Quebec. Minke whale close to the dock, Baie Comeau, Quebec. Domaine le Cageot distillery, Saguenay, Quebec.
Cap au Leste lighthouse in Saguenay Fjord, Quebec. Virgin Mary statue has overlooked the Saguenay Fjord, Quebec since 1881. The Statue of Notre Dame du Saguenay is 30 feet high. Panorama of Saguenay Fjord, Quebec. Chateau Frontenac, a historic hotel from the 1890s, Quebec City. Halloween in Quebec City.
Montmorency Falls, Quebec City.

Blog Entries for Maritimes Cruise, October 2024:
November 2024
11/9/2024 Cosmic mosaic - Using Seestar's new mosaic capability. galaxy, nebula
11/5/2024 Lighthouses - All lighthouse images on this site. lighthouse
October 2024
10/26/2024 Maritimes Cruise - Cruise from Maine to Quebec City, October 2024. international, whales, seals

Blog Entries for other Autumn 2024:
January 2025
1/2/2025 Photo of the Year - The Aurora Borealis is the Photo of the Year 2024. northern lights
December 2024
12/2/2024 Loess Bluffs and Badlands - Thanksgiving drive with stops along the way. eagle, coyote, geese, deer, bighorn
November 2024
11/1/2024 Moose in yard - Moose goes through my yard in Montana. moose
October 2024
10/31/2024 Comet - Seestar image of fading comet C2023 A3 Tsuchinshan-ATLAS. comet
10/11/2024 Northern Lights - More Northern Lights. sun, aurora
10/8/2024 Happy accident - Got the Northern Lights instead of a meteor shower. sun, aurora
September 2024
9/29/2024 Astronomy - Pluto and the Sun. pluto, sun
9/27/2024 Andromeda - A little telescope with big ambitions. stars
9/18/2024 Oregon - Crater Lake and the Oregon coast. scenery, warbirds

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil