All photos on 2003
Enter a year 1998-2025.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2003.

Southeast Alaska, July 2003 - After flying into Petersburg on the 17th and chasing eagles around for a few days, I moved on to Wrangell. After day trips to LeConte Glacier, Anan Wildlife Observatory and the Stikine River, I headed to Ketchikan and a tour of Misty Fjords National Monument. The highlight of the trip was Anan and its bears, but there was plenty to see along the way.
Bald eagle in Petersburg, Alaska.
Bald eagle in Petersburg, Alaska.
Bald eagle in Petersburg.
Bald eagle juvenile in Petersburg.
Black-tailed deer fawn near Petersburg.
Fawn and mother near Petersburg.
Steller’s Jay near Petersburg, Alaska. It looks like a black and blue cardinal.
Along the road in Petersburg, Alaska.
Looking east along the shore in Petersburg, Alaska.
Harbor seal near LeConte Glacier.
Harbor seals keep an eye on the approaching boat.
Harbor seal.
Seal hides in the floating ice.
Seal on the floating ice.
Seal on the floating ice.
Chunks fall off LeConte Glacier into the water.
Icebergs float out to sea.  Scanned from film.
While we were watching the bears in Anan Creek, Alaska, this black bear snuck up behind us and took a sniff. This was from about 10 yards away.
Alaska Bear
A brown (grizzly) bear sticks a paw in the water, Anan Creek.
The brown bear comes up with a salmon, Alaska.
Brown bear juveniles head downstream, Alaska.
Not a great photo but there are eight bald eagles in this image taken near the boat landing at Anan Creek, Alaska.  Unfortunately our path didn't take us any closer.
There is a cliff on the bank opposite the observatory at Anan Creek, Alaska.  Bears follow various paths down to the water, over logs and between the rocks.
A bear pauses to check out the audience, Anan Creek, Alaska.
Yawning, I think, Anan Creek, Alaska.
Lunch.  Anan Creek, Alaska.
Another look at the bear behind us, Anan Creek, Alaska.
Glacier on the Stikine River, Alaska.
Our little group makes a landing in the Stikine River, Alaska, after getting past that big iceberg.
Trees hang over the Stikine River, Alaska.
Not much to do on the ferry from Wrangell to Ketchikan, Alaska, except watch salmon jumping.
Lighthouse on an island on the approach to Ketchikan, Alaska.
Cruise ships are by far the tallest buildings in downtown Ketchikan, Alaska.
More harbor seals, this time in Misty Fjords National Monument, Alaska.
A float plane comes in for a landing on the fjord next to the Misty Fjords tour boat, Alaska.
Funny moment on the Misty Fjords cruise - the captain announced with great excitement that a bear could be seen.  Everyone rushed to the rail and started snapping away with their little instamatics.  This shot is with a 400mm lens, which is three times bigger than the zoom lens on the typical consumer camera.  It might have been more exciting if I had not been at Anan Creek three days earlier.
Killing time at the Ketchikan airport while waiting for the plane to Seattle - watching the float planes and cruise ships going by.
Ketchikan, Alaska has lot of totem poles.
Lots of flowers in Alaska in July.  This was in Petersburg.
I thought this scene next to a ball field in Petersburg, Alaska was sort of interesting.
Here's a last look at that bear that tried to jump me, Anan Creek, Alaska.
Closeup of bald eagle, Petersburg.
Eagle swoops down the canyon, Anan Creek, Alaska.
Not a good day for the fish, Anan Creek, Alaska.

Grapefruit League Baseball - Red Sox spring training, City of Palms Park, Ft. Myers, Florida, 2003 and 2004.
Kevin Millar, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Manny Ramirez, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Manny Ramirez and Homer Simpson, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Manny Ramirez says hello to Cincinnati's Barry Larkin after hitting a double, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Nomar Garciaparra warms up, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Nomar Garciaparra takes the throw, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Pedro Martinez goofs around, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Derek Lowe appears unconcerned about a possible visit from the fashion police, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
If Manager Grady Little knew then what he knows now... Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Todd Walker signs autographs, Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
Ken Griffey Jr. makes a spring training cameo, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.
City of Palms Park, home of Red Sox spring training, Fort Myers, Florida, 2003.

Yellowstone National Park, September 2003 - Wildlife in Yellowstone and the surrounding area, September 2003.
Bull elk scans the horizon in Yellowstone.
Yellowstone Elk
Bull elk scans the horizon in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone.
A bull elk bugles at an opponent across the Madison River west of Madison Junction, Yellowstone.  The two decided against crossing the river to joust and this one eventually wandered back to his herd.  Scanned from slide.
Bull elk, Yellowstone.  Scanned from slide.
A bull elk bugles in Yellowstone.
A bull elk dozes in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone, something is not quite right.
Elk in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone.
Elk in Yellowstone.
A big bull elk relaxes on the lawn in Mammoth Hot Springs.
A herd of elk camps out on the grass in front of the Yellowstone Post office in Mammoth Hot Springs.  Scanned.
Coyote in Yellowstone.
A coyote marks his territory in Yellowstone.
A pronghorn keeps on eye on the intruder, Montana.
Pronghorns cut through a field, Montana.
Pronghorns on the horizon, Montana.
Pronghorn on the move, Montana.
Montana Prairie.
Just north of Yellowstone Park.
Grand Teton National Park.
Yellowstone bison.
Yellowstone bison calf.
Yellowstone bison.
Yellowstone bison.
Bison dozes in a Yellowstone valley.
A grizzly bear makes an early morning appearance in Yellowstone.
The griz wanders off into the woods.
Moose cow and calf along the road in Grand Teton NP.
Moose, Grand Teton.
Moose, Grand Teton.
Moose, Grand Teton.
Moose, Grand Teton.
Magpie, Yellowstone.
Mountain Bluebird (female), Yellowstone.
Harrier hawk, Yellowstone.
A ground squirrel gets a snack.
A ground squirrel gets a snack.
Mule deer leap a fence near Dubois, Wyoming.

Washington DC and environs - I've spent a lot of time working in Washington, D.C. from 1986-2014. Most of these images are from the early 2000s, although some are from the final visit during which I took pictures in April 2014. (I think I was back in 2015-16 but didn't have the time or desire to explore.) In addition to getting shots of the usual monuments, during my extended stays I also visited wildlife refuges and museums in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.
Eagle at Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge near Rock Hall, Maryland.
Eagle with a fish at Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge near Rock Hall, Maryland.  Not a sharp image, but this was one of my first eagle sightings in flight with a fish and I was happy to get it.
Osprey at Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge near Rock Hall, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge near Cambridge, Maryland. I was on a trail and heard a crash in the tree above me. It was the osprey landing with this big fish, still thrashing around.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Osprey with a fish, Blackwater NWR, Maryland.
Eagle perched on dead tree at Blackwater NWR, Maryland.  This tree is visible from the Visitor Center and the several times I have been there, there always seems to be an eagle perched there.
Red-winged blackbird at Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge near Cambridge, Maryland.
U.S. Capitol in the afternoon light. In late afternoon, the marble of the Capitol and other structures along the Mall almost glow in the golden light. Photo note: Taken with Fuji 6x9 medium format camera, Provia slide film. Note the sharp details.
Washington Monument at dusk. I was rushing to get to the west of the Washington Monument as the sun was going down, but as I walked down a hill to the south this sight made me stop there and attempt to capture the view of the circle of flags. It can probably be done better with some actual planning instead of just stumbling across it, so this might be worth trying again someday. Photo note: Fuji 6x9 medium format, Provia slide film.
U.S. Marine Corps Iwo Jima Memorial, Arlington, Va. looking across toward the National Mall.
Tulips at the Netherlands Carillon in Arlington, Va. looking across to D.C. This site is between the Iwo Jima Memorial to the north and Arlington National Cemetery to the south. Photo note: Taken with my 2 megapixel Elph and the day was very windy, so will not be making any posters out of this shot.

Florida - 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island near Ft. Myers, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge near Cape Canaveral, and other sights around Florida, 2002-2004.
Lizard, Florida.
Sun sets over the observation tower at Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Another butterfly
Fort Matanzas is a little fort built by the Spanish 1740-42 south of St. Augustine.
Castillo de San Marcos is a big fort built 1672-95 in the heart of St. Augustine.
Castillo de San Marcos, St. Augustine.
An egret takes a break from sitting on the eggs to turn the eggs and rearrange twigs. St. Augustine.
An egret pair does their American Gothic pose.
Egrets cocooning.
Egret sitting.
An egret takes a short flight to gather more twigs for the nest.  St. Augustine.
Where do baby egrets come from? St. Augustine.
An egret stretches and shows off breeding plumage. St. Augustine.
Lots of gators. St. Augustine.
Pals, St. Augustine Alligator Farm.
Emu looking for a handout. St. Augustine.
Turtles. St. Augustine.
Lots of pelicans in Cedar Key.
Brown pelican, Cedar Key waterfront.
Hundreds of Ghost Crabs skitter around, Lower Suwannee NWR.
Ghost crabs.
Captive bald eagle.
Sandhill crane in Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.
Manatee in Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park.
Turtles everywhere.
Not a good view of a bald eagle, but about as close as I got in Florida.
Butterfly house at Sanibel-Capita, Florida.
Woodpecker, Florida.

Braintree Hawks - Since 2002, a pair of hawks has been raising babies in a tree within view of my office in Braintree, Mass. After single chicks in 2002 and 2003, the pair had twins in 2004. In 2005, they moved a little further away to a tree across the street. Here are images from all four years. Click on any thumbnail to start photo show at that point.
One of the parents flies to the nest, Braintree.
Parent standing watch.
Parent standing watch.
One week from fledging.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior II (2003) right outside my office window.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior II right outside my office window, Braintree, Mass.
Mass. Red Tail
Young red-tailed hawk Junior II (2003) right outside my office window.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior II (2003) right outside my office window.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior II (2003) right outside my office window.
Red-tailed hawk pants on a hot day.

Western Missouri, 2005 - Around the Kansas City area, including Squaw Creek National Wildlife Refuge (Mound City), the Kansas City Zoo, and baseball venues, 2005.
What to do when you are stuck in Kansas City and are bored?  Set up your little tripod and take timed shots of fountains.  Near the train station.
What to do in Kansas City when you are bored:  Get out your little tripod and little digital camera and shoot fountains until the sun goes down.
Fountain inside the lobby of the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Kansas City.  No memorial plaque marks the spot, but this is where 114 people died in a 1981 walkway collapse.
Sunlight highlights afternoon clouds in Kansas City.

Rhode Island ANG Air Show, Blue Angels formation flying, June 2003 - Blue Angels at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, formation flying.
Blue Angels in a tight line. 300mm, 1/800 at f/8.
Blue Angels roll out of formation. 300mm, 1/800 at f/8.
Blue Angels diamond. 300mm, 1/800 at f/8.
Solo flyers join the diamond to make a formation of all six planes.
Blue Angels in a tight line. 100-400mm (400mm), 1/500 at f/10.
Blue Angels break out of formation. 100-400mm (400mm), 1/500 at f/10.
High above the field, the formation breaks in all directions. 100-400mm (130mm), 1/500 at f/10.
Blue Angels winding up their show. 100-400mm (130mm), 1/400 at f/10.

Rhode Island ANG Air Show, Blue Angels solo flyers, June 2003 - Blue Angels at Quonset Point, Rhode Island, solo flyers.
These actually aren't the solo flyers but there is one maneuver where all six planes meet in the center of the field. The #1 plane is the commander. 100-400mm (400mm), 1/400 at f/10.
These are the solo flyers. 300mm, 1/800 at f/8.
This time both planes are inverted as they meet. 300mm, 1/800 at f/8.
Blue Angels, Quonset Point, Rhode Island, 2003. Photo 100-400mm (400mm), 1/500 at f/10.
Blue Angels

Rhode Island ANG Air Show, combined arms demonstration, June 2003 - Rhode Island Air National Guard Air Show 2003, combined arms demonstration.
Against a backdrop of pyrotechnics smoke, a National Guard helicopter puts on a demonstration. 300mm, 1/250 at f/11.
Guardsmen rappel out of the chopper. 100-400mm (130mm), 1/500 at f/10.
A few minutes later, Blackhawks land with more troops. 100-400mm (400mm), 1/800 at f/8.
A-10 circles past the pyrotechnics. 100-400mm (115mm), 1/800 at f/8.

Rhode Island ANG Air Show, other participants, June 2003 - Rhode Island Air National Guard Air Show 2003, other participants.
British Army Red Devils bring in the American flag. 300mm with 1.4x extender (420mm), 1/1250 at f/7.1.
Navy F-18 Hornet kicks up some vapor. 300mm with 1.4x extender (420mm), 1/1000 at f/8.
P-51 Mustang. 300mm with 1.4x extender (420mm), 1/250 at f/14.
P-51 Mustang
P-51 Mustang.
P-51 Mustang
Blue Angels support plane Fat Albert demonstrates a steep rocket-assisted takeoff. Yes, the angle really was that steep.  100-400mm (100mm), 1/320 at f/14.

Massachusetts - Around Massachusetts circa 1998-2007, wildlife, scenery, astrophotography.
Bug on a daisy.
Nobska Light, Woods Hole, Mass.

Rhode Island - Around Rhode Island circa 2001-04.
Swan, Rhode Island.
Swan and little one, Rhode Island
Orchid in the Rhode Island woods.

Moose in Maine - Moose in Baxter State Park, Maine, October 2003.
Moose, central Maine.  The only bull moose with antlers I saw on this trip.
A bull moose shows himself for just a few seconds near Baxter State Park, Maine.
A cow moose glances over at the assembled photographers, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Cow moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Cow moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose cow-calf pair, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose cow-calf pair, Baxter State Park, Maine.
Moose cow-calf pair, Baxter State Park, Maine.

Best of Antarctica - Selection of favorite photos from Antarctica, November/December 2003.
Gentoo penguins greet each other, Jougla Point.
Antarctica Gentoos
Gentoo penguin just after emerging from the water, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic Peninsula.
Antarctica Gentoo
A leucistic gentoo penguin.  It looks just like other gentoos except its back is brown instead of black.  Cuverville Island.
A chinstrap with (look closely) two eggs.  Hannah Point.
A chinstrap with a rock, Hannah Point.
Rockhopper chick under parent, New Island, Falklands.
Orcas near the ship as we approach Lemaire Channel.
Iceberg and ship near Palmer Station.
Naturalist Dorinda Dallmeyer explains the history of the whaling station on Deception Island.
A lone gentoo patrols the beach inside the volcanic crater of Deception Island, late evening.

Chinstrap penguins - Chinstrap penguins.
Chinstrap penguin, Robert Island.
Chinstrap penguin, Robert Island.
Chinstrap penguin, Robert Island.
Chinstrap penguin finds a rock, Hannah Point.
Chinstrap penguins, Hannah Point.
Chinstrap penguin with a rock for nesting, Hannah Point.
Chinstrap penguin with a rock for nesting, Hannah Point.
Chinstrap penguin toboggans along, Robert Island.
Chinstrap penguin, Robert Island.
Chinstrap penguin, Half Moon Island.
Chinstrap penguin, Half Moon Island.
Chinstrap penguin with a gentoo in the background, Hannah Point.
Chinstrap penguins nesting, Half Moon Island.
Chinstrap penguins, Robert Island.

Gentoo penguins - Gentoo penguins.
A gentoo snoozes on the nest.  Jougla Point.
Gentoo penguins greet each other, Jougla Point. (Crop of photo [700].)
Penguins spend a lot of time finding rocks for their nests, Jougla Point.
Gentoo picks up a rock for nesting, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Gentoo with a rock, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Chinstrap takes a peck at a Gentoo after getting crowded on the trail, Hannah Point.
Gentoo, Hannah Point.
Gentoo, Hannah Point.
Gentoos look for a way down, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Gentoos at Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Gentoos, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos at rest, Petermann Island.
Lots of gentoos, just one of many big colonies we saw, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos, Hannah Point.
Gentoos, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Gentoos, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos going to work, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
As this distant shot of a couple of gentoos proves. penguins can indeed fly.  For a few feet anyway.  Torgersen Island.
Gentoo flying through the water, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Gentoo swim pack, Neko Harbor on the Antarctic continent.
Humans head up as gentoos head down, Hannah Point.
Gentoo, Cuverville Island.
Gentoos and our ship, Cuverville Island.

Adelie penguins - Adelie penguins.
Adelie penguin splashing ashore after a morning swim, Torgersen Island near the US Antarctic Program base at Palmer Station.
An Adelie finds a good rock.  Torgersen Island.
Adelie penguin toboggans, Petermann Island.
Adelie Penguin, Torgersen Island.
Adelie with a rock, Torgersen Island.
Adelie penguin, Torgersen Island.
Adelie penguin, Torgersen Island.
Adelie penguin diving in, Torgersen Island.

Penguin sex - Penguin sex!
Do I know you?  You look familiar.
Do you come to Petermann Island often?
Why are all those humans staring at us?
(By the way, older penguins have already mated, so these are probably young penguins getting in some practice.)
The male goes off to brag to his buddies.
If you are not careful, this is what happens.  Chinstrap with eggs, Hannah Point.

Rockhoppers and Albatrosses - Bird colonies often included more than one species, such as the rockhopper penguins and albatross sharing nesting cliffs in the Falklands.
Black-browed albatross, West Point Island, Falklands.
Black-browed albatross, West Point Island, Falklands.
Albatross following the ship.
Albatross following the ship.
Rockhopper penguin, New Island, Falklands.
Rockhopper, New Island, Falklands.
And now for something completely different.  A blue-eyed shag, nesting among the rockhoppers and albatrosses, New Island, Falklands.
Rockhopper, New Island, Falklands.
A rockhopper doing what rockhoppers do, hopping from rock to rock, New Island, Falklands.
Another example of different types of birds nesting together, a macaroni penguin mixed in with the chinstraps, Hannah Point.
Rockhopper chick under parent, New Island, Falklands.
Rockhopper, New Island, Falklands.

Other Antarctic wildlife - Wildlife other than penguins, such as orcas and seals.
Orcas near the ship as we approach Lemaire Channel.
Orcas near the ship as we approach Lemaire Channel.
Gentoos work their way past an elephant seal, Hannah Point.
Elephant seal, Robert Island.
Elephant seal, Robert Island.
The only Weddell seal I saw, Robert Island.
Not sure what this is, West Point Island, Falklands.
Not sure what this is, West Point Island, Falklands.
Chimango Caracara, West Point Island, Falklands.
A skua with a great prize, a penguin egg.  Half Moon Island.
Petrel shadows the boat as sea.

Antarctic people, boats and buildings - Fewer penguins more people - Shots of Deception Island, Palmer Station, the Falklands, and our ship, the Clipper Adventurer.
One of the guides descends after a hike inside the volcanic caldera that is Deception Island.
Cruising among the icebergs in a Zodiac.
An old building on Deception Island is in shade as the long sunset lights the slopes above.
Our guide Barb explains the workings of the US base at Palmer Station.
We head back to the ship anchored off West Point Island in the Falklands.
Windmill powering a farmhouse, West Point Island in the Falklands.
Zodiac returns to the ship.
A couple of hikers head toward the Argentine station on Half Moon Island.
A gentoo looks like he wants to catch a ride in the Zodiac, Cuverville Island.
Getting closer to the beach to get a view of elephant seals, near Palmer Station.
The only photo I allowed of myself, Jougla Point in front of a whale skeleton.

Antarctic scenics - Film scans, medium format slide film taken with Fuji GW690. (This camera has a moderately wide angle lens, so the panorama-style shots are not really panoramas.)
Near LeMaire Channel.
Near LeMaire Channel.
Canadian submarine tender wreck, New Island, Falklands.
Lots of gentoos, Cuverville Island.
West Point Island, the Falklands.
Near LeMaire Channel.
Near LeMaire Channel.
Near LeMaire Channel.
Penguin colony, Petermann Island.
An iceberg sighted Dec. 1 in evening light, this shot taken with digital SLR.
Iceberg, taken with small digital camera.
This portion of a melting iceberg looks like a bird or a seahorse.

Argentina and Chile - Of course you can't just fly to Antarctica. We stopped for a few days in Argentina on the way down and made an overnight stop in Chile on the way back.
The dance of Buenos Aires, the tango.
They told us in Ushuaia the tango is identified only with the city of Buenos Aires.  Elsewhere, the gaucho heritage is celebrated.
A fox jogs past the tourist buses at the national park near Ushuaia.
Statue of the Virgin in Santiago, Chile.
There sure did seem to be a lot of stray dogs just laying around in Santiago1.
A vendor plays a music box to attract notice, La Boca, Buenos Aires.
An old man finds a bench, La Boca, Buenos Aires.
Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires.
Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires.
Duarte family mausoleum, final resting place of Evita, Roceletta Cemetery, Buenos Aires.
I never expected that the first Segway I would ever see would be in Santiago, Chile.

TICO Warbirds Airshow, Florida - TICO Warbirds Airshow in Titusville, Florida March 7-9, 2003.
Heritage Flight, F-15 Eagle and P-51 Mustang.  Florida 2003.
P-51 Mustang Crazy Horse on the flight line.  Florida 2003.
P-51 Crazy Horse
P-51 Mustang Donald Duck takes off.  Florida 2003.
P-51 Donald Duck
Donald Duck pilot Bob Tullius waves to the crowd.  Florida 2003.
P-51 Donald Duck
B-25 Mitchell bomber
Stunt flier at TICO.
A Cobra helicopter demonstrates Vietnam battle tactics.
A couple of South Carolina Guardsmen take a break as the public tours their transport.

Day 1 - "You Must Be O'Neil" - Iceland, May 22, 2003.
Along the road in the lava fields.
Along the road.
Rain on the horizon on the way to Skálholt.
The Church of Iceland's facility at Skálholt.
The Church of Iceland's facility at Skálholt.

Day 2 - The Golden Circle - Iceland, May 23, 2003.
Strokkur erupts.
This is one of the shots where Strokkur soaked me.
Geysir makes a cameo.
Öxarárfoss near þingvellir.
The best conditions I had for shooting waterfalls was at Öxarárfoss near þingvellir.
The parliamentary plain of þingvellir.
Gullfoss, the Golden Waterfall.
Rainbow over Gullfoss.
Some type of plover near Skálholt. (If I don't know what something is, I call it a plover.)

Day 3 - Standing in a Rainbow - Iceland, May 24, 2003.
Standing in a rainbow next to Skógafoss.
Vik sea stacks

Day 4 - Where is Everybody? - Iceland, May 25, 2003.
Terns on an ice floe.
Skaftafellsjökull glacer. As I have said it is hard to grasp the scale of things in Iceland, especially glaciers. The hiker at lower left is several hundred yards in front of the glacier.
Icelandic horses graze beneath a glacier.

Day 5 - Up the Mountain - Iceland, May 26, 2003.
Icelandic tot playing in a beached boat in Djúpivogur.
I think this is a Laughing Gull.
Road hazard.

Day 6 - Singing in the Church - Iceland, May 27, 2003.
Kirkjan. The German woman is at the lower left.
Oh, so that's a Red-necked Phalarope.
Natural arch at Dimmuborgir.
Rainbow at Skútustaðir.
Rainbow at Skútustaðir.  Scanned from 35mm slide.

Day 7 - Scenic Overload. - Iceland, May 28, 2003.
An Artic Tern on a fencepost near Myvatn, Iceland.
Iceland Tern
Lake Myvatn with its distinctive craters.
Steam vent at Námafjall.

Day 8 - Hot Tub - Iceland, May 29, 2003.
Arctic tern buzzes around the town park in Ólafsfjörður.
The obligatory shot of Godafoss.
This is important: The tub.
My little cabin in Ólafsfjörður.

Day 9 - Circle of Ice - Iceland, May 30, 2003.
Lighthouse at the entrance to Eyjafjörður fjord, Iceland.
Lighthouse at the entrance to Eyjafjörður fjord, Iceland.
The signpost on Grimsey marking the Arctic Circle.
So many birds.
Part of the Grimsey fishing fleet at anchor below the little town.

Day 10 - Ring of Fire - Iceland, May 31, 2003. Click here for a detailed account of the annular eclipse.
The peak of the annular eclipse at 4:04 a.m., May 31, 2003, Iceland. Exposure 2 seconds at f/8.
Iceland Eclipse 2003
At 3:33 a.m. one of the somewhat clear views of the partial phase. Six minutes later and it clouded over again. Exposure 1/4 second at f/8.
At about 3:50, the clouds were blocking the partial phase and it looked like we were doomed with the annular phase just a few minutes away. Unfiltered shot on Provia 100 slide film, 1v camera with 17-35 zoom.
At 4:05 a.m., just a minute after peak, viewing conditions improved slightly but the moon had moved off center already. Exposure 1 second at f/8.
The view continues to clear but at 4:08 a.m. we're back into a partial phase. Exposure 1/8 second at f/8.

Day 11 - Walking Reykjavík - Iceland, June 1, 2003.
Hallgrímskirkja looms above the colorful walls of a nearby parking lot.  Scanned from 6x9 medium format slide.
Hallgrímskirkja looms above the colorful walls of a nearby parking lot.  Scanned from 35mm slide.
Hallgrímskirkja and Leif Erikson statue.  Scanned from 35mm slide.
Viking ship sculpture in Reykjavík, Iceland, 2003.  Scanned from 6x9 medium format slide.
Viking ship sculpture in Reykjavík, Iceland, 2003.  Scanned from 35mm slide.
A resident of the Reykjavík Botanical Garden.
Botanical Garden.

Day 12 - The Tourist - Iceland, June 2, 2003.
A typical Icelandic church.
A puffin comes up out of his nest.
Puffin in the ocean.
With Snæfell looming in the background, the rest of our little group walks down a large black sand beach.
Around the corner from the beach. Can't get away from that mountain.
More weird lava.

Wrapup - Iceland, June 3, 2003.
Here's my portable solar observatory, Canon 1D camera, 100-400 lens with 1.4x extender, solar filter rubber-banded to the front of the lens. Also note the hand-held solar filter sticking out of camera bag. Never look at the sun without protection!
Here I can barely contain my excitement as I get ready to explore the wide-open spaces of Iceland.
My car. Note the rental company sticker on the door. They used to do that in Florida to help criminals identify robbery victims, but in Iceland I think they do it to warn the locals that the driver is likely to do something stupid like stopping suddenly in the middle of the road to take a picture of a duck. Not all vehicles in Iceland are tiny. This VW is about the size of a tire on some of the SUVs I saw.
Two things about this shot from Grimsey: The wind sock is standing straight out, and there are birds everywhere.
Reykjavík parks: No dogs!

Baseball - Favorite baseball images from 1998-2005. Spring training, Arizona Fall League, Fenway Park, other venues.
Ken Griffey, Jr. with the Reds, spring training in Florida, 2003.

[Blog entries for 2003]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil