All photos on 2002
Enter a year 1998-2025.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2002.

Florida Rockets - NASA 2002-2004.
Soyuz spacecraft, Cape Canaveral, Florida.
Kennedy Space Center.
NASA's huge Vehicle Assembly Building.  By the way, all the little black dots above the building are vultures.
Historic rockets at the Space Center, lit up at night.
The first stage of a Saturn V rocket dwarfs onlookers.
Apollo 14 command module Kitty Hawk, Kennedy Space Center.
Apollo 14
The original Lunar Excursion Module from Apollo 15, replaced because it wasn't designed to carry a moon buggy.
The unfortunate Columbia being prepared for last flight.
Hail Columbia

Air and Space - Air and space museums and displays, Tucson, Arizona, 2002.
Solar observatory at Kitt Peak, Arizona.
Kitt Peak Solar
Kitt Peak, Arizona.
Kitt Peak
Sunset seen from Kitt Peak, Arizona.
Kitt Peak
The Pluto Discovery Telescope, Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, Arizona.  Clyde Tombaugh discovered Pluto by analyzing photos from this telescope in 1930.
Pluto Discovery
Air Force One, Boeing 707 used by Presidents Kennedy and Johnson.  It's not the Dallas plane; that one is in Ohio. Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson.
Air Force One
B-25 Mitchell, Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson.
Republic F-84C Thunderjet, Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson.
Douglas C-54D Skymaster, Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson.
Aero Spacelines 377-SG Super Guppy, Pima Air and Space Museum, Tucson.
Super Guppy

Washington DC and environs - I've spent a lot of time working in Washington, D.C. from 1986-2014. Most of these images are from the early 2000s, although some are from the final visit during which I took pictures in April 2014. (I think I was back in 2015-16 but didn't have the time or desire to explore.) In addition to getting shots of the usual monuments, during my extended stays I also visited wildlife refuges and museums in Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.
Red-bellied Woodpecker at Mason's Neck National Wildlife Refuge south of Alexandria, Virginia.
Virginia Woodpecker
I got this woodpecker image in Virginia in 2002 but never posted it because of the placement of a branch that some might consider pornographic.  The branch has been edited out.
An eagle cruises above the bank of the Potomac near Alexandria, Virginia in 2002. I was somewhat discouraged after a day of not seeing eagles at Mason's Neck NWR. Halfway back to Arlington I stopped at a park along the Potomac to see if I could get a decent sunset shot when this eagle swooped past. I was able to get this somewhat blurry shot before it disappeared.  I've gotten thousands of images of eagles in the wild since this one, but this was the first.
I was in Washington in 2002 after they had set up the National Christmas tree near the White House.  The lighting was a couple weeks later.
The 2002 Pageant of Peace in Washington included trees representing all the states, including this one for Texas.

Florida - 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge on Sanibel Island near Ft. Myers, Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge near Cape Canaveral, and other sights around Florida, 2002-2004.
An egret scratching like a big dog.
Two ibises, or ibi, or whatever.
Ibis.  Scanned from slide.
Yellow-crowned night heron, 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.
Florida Heron
Yellow-crowned night heron, 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.  Scanned from film.
Yellow-crowned night heron, 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.
Yellow-crowned night heron, 'Ding' Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Florida.  Scanned from slide.
An ibis forages as a snowy egret follows.
An ibis wanders past a great egret.
A Brown Pelican sails past.
A White Pelican flies along.
A White Pelican flies along.
There are not just big birds on the refuge.
A butterfly in the swamp.
Turkey Vulture.
An ibis notices that his pals have a better perch higher up.
Perching ibis.
A manatee lets out a big snort.
The Manatee Park also has a butterfly garden.
A little lizard called a Green Anole walks the boardwalk in Grassy Waters Preserve, West Palm Beach.
Green Anole on the boardwalk, West Palm Beach.
A flock of Black Vultures hang out near Lake Okeechobee.
Another kind of ibis, the Glossy Ibis.
Tricolored Heron.
Tricolored Heron.
Coots skitter to keep up with the rest of the flock.
Today's butterfly, a Common Buckeye.
Today's vulture.
A spoonbill looks for a place to land.
Roseate Spoonbill.
Roseate Spoonbill.
Wood Stork.
Wood Stork.
Wood Stork.
Heron wades through the mud.
Ibis in flight.
Pelicans dive bombing for food.
Spoonbill landing.
An osprey on Merritt Island.
An osprey with a fish on Pine Island.
A Great Egret takes off.
Armadillo on Pine Island.
Glossy Ibis in flight.
A pair of Blue-Winged Teal get flushed.
Great Egret.
Red-Bellied Woodpecker finds something to eat.
Red-Shouldered Hawk camps out on a power line.  I sold this image for the textbook College Physics, Pearson Prentice Hall, 6th edition, 2007, page 590.  This demonstrates that a bird can sit on a live wire without being zapped due to electricity following the path of least resistance, which is through the wire.
Red-shouldered Hawk, Florida.
I think this is either a Black-Bellied Plover or a Sanderling.
A Greater Yellowlegs.
A Greater Yellowlegs.
Yellowlegs makes a stab at something.
Killdeer, another type of plover.
A heron knifes through the water to snare a fish.
A heron knifes through the water to snare a fish.
A big stork gets a little fish.
Stork flips his meal up in the air to swallow it.
Ibis in flight.
Egret in flight, scanned from film.

Braintree Hawks - Since 2002, a pair of hawks has been raising babies in a tree within view of my office in Braintree, Mass. After single chicks in 2002 and 2003, the pair had twins in 2004. In 2005, they moved a little further away to a tree across the street. Here are images from all four years. Click on any thumbnail to start photo show at that point.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior I (2002 edition) right outside my office window.
Mass. Red Tail
Young red-tailed hawk Junior I (2002 edition) right outside my office window.
Young red-tailed hawk Junior I right outside my office window, Braintree, Mass.
Junior I sees if parent has any food.
Red-tailed hawk, Braintree, MA.
Red-tailed hawk, Braintree, MA.
Red-tailed hawk, Braintree, MA.
Red-tailed hawk, Braintree, MA.

Flying Legends, Duxford, England, July 2002 - The RAF Base at Duxford near Cambridge is the site of several large air shows each year including the Flying Legends in July, featuring the legendary airplanes of World War II. I have been to a few shows since where one or two Mustangs buzzed by, so the sheer number of Mustangs and Spitfires that they put into the air at Duxford is what sets this show apart. It was amazing to see groups of vintage aircraft looping through the sky just as they did 60 years before. The base also is the location of the Imperial War Museum's aircraft collection and includes the largest display of historical American military aircraft outside of the US.
P-51 Mustang Janie, Flying Legends, Duxford, England.
P-51 Janie
P-51 Mustang Big Beautiful Doll.
P-51 Big Beautiful D
P-51 Mustang Big Beautiful Doll.
P-51 Big Beautiful D
P-51 lineup at Duxford
Supermarine Spitfire, Flying Legends, Duxford, England.
Supermarine Spitfire
B-17G Flying Fortress Pink Lady.
B-17 Pink Lady
B-17G Flying Fortress Sally B.
B-17 Sally B
Avro Lancaster, flown by Battle of Britain Memorial Flight, an active RAF unit.
P-47 No Guts No Glory.
The featured plane at this show, the North American A-36A Invader (top), shown with its much more famous sibling, the P-51D Mustang.
P-51D Mustang "Damn Yankee."
P-51D Mustang "Nooky Booky IV."
The Breitling Fighters (Spitfire, P-40 Flying Tiger, Corsair, and P-51D Mustang).
Hawker Hurricane.
Wildcat takes off as Corsair flies past.
P-40 Kittyhawk with Flying Tigers Chinese markings.
P-40 Kittyhawk with Flying Tigers Chinese markings.
Depiction of crashed ME-109, Duxford.
German V1 flying bomb, Duxford.
German V1 flying bomb on outdoor launch track, Duxford.
German ME-163 Rocket Plane, Duxford.
Latter-day WACs walk the flight line.

London, July 2002 - Two full days were taken up going to Duxford for the air show, so I had only a day and a half to look around London. My hotel was in the Kensington area (my room was SO small!) and I wandered through the park there after recovering somewhat from the inbound flight. The day after the air show I went around to all the usual sights one associates with London and got some ’Proof I was there’ snapshots. All of these photos were taken with the digital Elph so they really are just snapshots. I already had enough film to process and scan from the air show.
Swans at Kensington.
Goose at Kensington.
Queen Victoria, Kensington.  The plaque reads, "Victoria. R. -1837- Here in front of the palace where she was born and where she resided vntil her accession.  Her loyal Kensington svbjects erect this statve.  The work of her davghter to commemorate fifty years of her reign."
My huge hotel room.
St. Paul's Cathedral.
Westminster Abbey.
Flying Bombs tote sheet, underground Cabinet War Rooms.
Churchill's desk and bed, Cabinet War Rooms.
A telephone, Cabinet War Rooms.
Cabinet War Rooms switchboard, note the gas mask.
This is London.

Massachusetts - Around Massachusetts circa 1998-2007, wildlife, scenery, astrophotography.
Daffodils start blooming in my lawn in Massachusetts.  This one was picked and photographed inside.  This is the very first image I took with a Canon digital camera, a Powershot S330 ELPH, and I´ve been using Canon digital cameras ever since.
I believe this daffodil is the the same one (upside down) as seen in the previous image and was scanned from b&w film.
Nobska Light, Woods Hole, Mass.
Poppy and little bee.

Rhode Island - Around Rhode Island circa 2001-04.
Brown University's Chas Gessner catches a long touchdown pass in stride.
Brown U Football
Brown University's Chas Gessner goes flying.
Brown University's Chas Gessner makes a catch against Harvard.
Ian Smart of CW Post makes a long TD run against Bryant.
Navy Prep QB pitches, Newport, RI.

Maine - Around Maine circa 2001-04.
Portland (Maine) lighthouse
Portland (Maine) lighthouse
Portland (Maine) lighthouse
Nubble Light, York, Maine.
Pemaquid Point Light, York, Maine.
Pemaquid Point Light, York, Maine.
Maine Lighthouse.
Sunset in Maine.

Nova Scotia, May 2002 - Nova Scotia ferry ride and drive, May 2002.
Nova Scotia lighthouse.

South Dakota - South Dakota Black Hills and Badlands, visit in 2002, and a few later images after I moved back to the eastern part of the state.
Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota.
Mt. Rushmore National Memorial, South Dakota.
Mt. Rushmore, South Dakota
Eye of the Needle, Needles Highway, South Dakota.
Prairie dogs, South Dakota Badlands.
Chipmunk along the South Dakota Needles Highway.
Bear Butte, South Dakota.

Massachusetts backyard habitat - My Massachusetts backyard circa 2001-07.
Right after I got my digital SLR, this dragonfly let me test it out by taking an extended rest in my back yard.
Dragonfly in the back yard.
Tufted Titmouse, tethered Canon S330.
Remote triggered Canon S330, cardinal in my back yard.
Sort of interesting shot of cardinal but not sharp.  Give me another crack at this with the digiscope.
Chickadee, S330 on a tether, my back yard.
A chickadee jumps a sunflower seed in my back yard birdfeeder.
Chickadee with a seed.
Nuthatch, S330 on a tether, my back yard.
A colorful house finch.
Sparrow, S330 on a tether, my back yard.

Southwestern Wildlife - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, Cave Creek Recreational Area in Arizona, and other stops.
Lizard in Arizona.  It was tougher than I thought to shoot these little lizards against the rocks.  This is one that was close to being in focus.

Southwestern Landscapes - Landscapes such as White Sands National Monument, New Mexico.
After sunset near Tucson.

Desert Wildlife and Plants - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge in New Mexico, Desert Botanical Garden in Phoenix, and other stops.
Weird plant in Houston.
The light was fading at Saguaro National Park near Tuscon when I spotted this fellow ambling along.

Baseball - Favorite baseball images from 1998-2005. Spring training, Arizona Fall League, Fenway Park, other venues.
Future World Series Hero (2005) Bobby Jenks in the 2002 Arizona Fall League.
Maryvale´s So Taguchi lays down a bunt, 2002 Arizona Fall League.
Arizona Falls League, 2002.
Chase Utley tries to make the tag at third base, 2002 Arizona Fall League.
Get down!  Mike Rouse attempts to turn the double play, Arizona Falls League, 2002.
J.J. Hardy makes a diving catch, 2002 Arizona Fall League.
In the 2002 Arizona Fall League, Maryvale 3B Drew Henson made a spinning stop but was indecisive what to do afterward and threw late to first.  Henson later played for the Yankees and the Cowboys, but his greatest claim to fame is he knows Tom Brady.
Arizona Falls League, 2002.
Arizona Falls League, 2002.
Mark Teixeira fires to first base, 2002 Arizona Fall League.

[Blog entries for 2002]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil