All photos on 2023
Enter a year 1998-2025.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2023.

Top 10 (+) Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota - Favorite Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery in Rapid City.
Bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn ram jumping a creek, Custer State Park.
Black Hills Bighorn

Top 10 (+) Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota - Favorite Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park.

Top 10 (+) scenic images from South Dakota - I'm not really a scenic photographer, but here are some scenes (and some "other") from around South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond.
Needle´s Eye, Custer State Park.

Winter 2022-23 - Images from the back yard and trailcams in the woods.
Rough-legged hawk in the back yard.
Rough-legged hawk
Rough-legged hawk in the back yard.
Fox in the back yard.
Coyote in the national forest.
Coyote in the national forest.
Coyote in the national forest.
Moose in the national forest.
Moose in the national forest.
Moose in the national forest.
Moose in the national forest.

Yellowstone, February 2023 - Snowcoach tour to Old Faithful and drive through Lamar Valley, Yellowstone, February 2023.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Yellowstone Bighorn
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bighorn sheep, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Bison, Yellowstone.
Young elk, Yellowstone.
Coyotes, Yellowstone.
Coyotes, Yellowstone.

Black Hills and Badlands 2023. - Devil's Tower, Custer State Park and Badlands National Park, early spring 2023.
Bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorns on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorns on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorns on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn on the rocks above Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn lamb climbing the rocks behind Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn rams licking the road, southern Custer State Park.
Bighorn ram licking the road, southern Custer State Park.
Bighorn ram, southern Custer State Park.
Bighorn ram, southern Custer State Park.
Bighorn lamb (almost a yearling), Custer State Park.
Part of a herd of 44 bighorns, Custer State Park.
Bighorn lamb surrounded by ewes, Custer State Park.
Bighorn, Custer State Park.
Bighorn, Custer State Park.
Bighorn, Custer State Park.
Bighorn running down Highway 16A, Custer State Park.
Bighorn, Custer State Park.
Part of the big herd of bighorns, Custer State Park.
Bighorn rams in front of the Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn ram resting in the Custer State Park Visitor Center parking lot.
Bighorn lamb, Custer State Park.
Bighorn lambs trying to figure out how to cross a creek, Custer State Park.
Bighorn lamb jumping a creek, Custer State Park.
Bighorn ram jumping a creek, Custer State Park.
Black Hills Bighorn
Bighorn ram on the boardwalk, Custer State Park Visitor Center.
Bighorn ram foraging next to the Custer State Park Visitor Center parking lot.
Bighorn ram next to the Custer State Park Visitor Center parking lot.
Bison, Badlands National Park.
Young bison on the run, Badlands National Park.
Bison taking a dust bath, Badlands National Park.
Bison on a frosty morning, Custer State Park.
Bison on a frosty morning, Custer State Park.
Bison covered with frost after brushing against tree, Wind Cave National Park.
One of five bison who surrounded my truck to lick off the road grime, which apparently contains some essential minerals, Wind Cave National Park.
Bison surveys a bleak winter landscape, Badlands National Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison, Badlands National Park.
Bison, Badlands National Park.
Deer, Badlands National Park.
Deer, Badlands National Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park.
Prairie dog in the frost, Wind Cave National Park.
Plover, Wind Cave National Park.
Turkey, Custer State Park.
Devil´s Tower National Monument.
Devil´s Tower National Monument.
Devil´s Tower National Monument.
Devil´s Tower National Monument, taken with my phone.
Ice crystals forming on the fence dividing Custer and Wind Cave parks.
Ice crystals from freezing fog, Wind Cave National Park.
A dusting of snow on the Badlands.
Freezing fog, Custer State Park.  Taken with my phone.

Hawaii, April 2023. - Hawaii, April 2023.
View from our hotel overlooking Hilo Bay, the Big Island.
Our first sunset upon arriving in Maui.
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor.
USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor.
USS Missouri as seen from the USS Arizona Memorial, Pearl Harbor.
Nimitz guards the entry to the USS Missouri, Pearl Harbor.
The USS Missouri, Pearl Harbor.
The USS Arizona Memorial as seen through the anchor chains of the USS Missouri, Pearl Harbor.
The spot on the deck of the USS Missouri where the Japanese signed the surrender papers and ended World War II, Pearl Harbor.
We didn´t stop at the Pearl Harbor Aviation Museum, but I got this shot of a DC-3 through the bus window as we went by.  Not a great shot with some reflections on the left but it is the only DC-3 in my photo gallery.  April 2023.
Cocoa plantation, Maui.
Cocoa plantation, Maui.
There are chickens running everywhere in Hawaii.
The Painted Church, the Big Island.
Bird of Paradise in the garden of the Painted Church, the Big Island.
Garden of the Painted Church, the Big Island.
Punaluu Beach (black sand), rainy day on the Big Island.
Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the Big Island.
Kilauea crater, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the Big Island.
Pulu fiddlehead, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the Big Island.
Lava cliffs, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, the Big Island.
Crab, Maui.
Crab, Maui.
Crab spitting water, Maui.
Crab, Maui.
Crab, Maui.
Lizard, Maui.
Whale tail slapping, taken from the Maui shore.
Whale tale slapping, taken from the Maui shore.
Whale breaching, taken from the Maui shore.
Whale breaching, taken from the Maui shore.
Green Sea Turtle, Maui.
Green Sea Turtle gets flipped over in the surf, Maui.
Green Sea Turtle tries to right itself, Maui.
Kaanapali Beach, Maui.  Taken with my phone.
The Road to Hana, Maui.
Haleakala National Park, Maui.
The awful Road to Hana, Maui.

Backyard images, spring 2023. - Images from the yard and surrounding area, spring 2023. Fox, bluebirds and swallows competing for nest box, other wildlife in the yard and captured on trailcam in the nearby forest, tripod photography of flowers and running stream.
Fox in back yard eating a vole.
Montana Fox
Fox took off and jumped the fence when he saw me.
Fox still looking at me.
Bluebirds returning to the nest box in my yard,.  Motion trigger.
Bluebirds and swallow competing for the nest box,.
Swallow and bluebird sparring,.
Swallows claim the nest box,.  Motion trigger.
Swallows claim the nest box,.
Bluebird bringing nesting material,.
Bluebirds in my yard,.  Remote trigger.
Bluebird in my yard,.  Remote trigger.
Bluebird trying to eject swallow from the nest box,.
Bluebird trying to eject swallow from the nest box,.
Bluebirds trying to eject swallow from the nest box.
Male bluebird perched on trailcam.
Female bluebird.
Bluebirds trying to eject swallow from the nest box.  Remote trigger.
Hummingbird in the back yard.
Hummingbird in the back yard.
Hummingbird in the back yard.  Wings are a blur even with 1/400 shutter speed.
Hummingbird in the back yard.
Blackbird in the back yard.
Blackbird, Clark´s Fork Waterfowl Production Area near Bridger, MT.
Crow in the back yard.
Crow in the back yard.
Crow fending off a swallow.  The swallow´s nest is just to the left.
Magpie in the back yard just after sunrise.
Magpie in the back yard.
Magpie in the back yard.
Grackle in the back yard.
Harrier in the back yard.
Little brown bird in the back yard.  Remote trigger.
Little brown birds in the back yard.  Remote trigger.
Goldfinch in the back yard.
Goldfinch in the back yard.
Goldfinch in the back yard.
Goldfinches in the back yard.
Sandhill cranes in a nearby field.
Larger deer goes up and over.
Smaller deer decides not to jump.
We don´t have squirrels, so deer fill the niche of bird feeder raiders.
Deer raids the bird feeder.
Deer in the yard.
Deer on trailcam in the national forest.
Deer in the national forest, a few minutes after the previous trailcam image.
Elk in nearby national forest.
Elk in nearby national forest.
Moose in nearby national forest.
Moose in nearby national forest.
Moose in nearby national forest.
Coyote in nearby national forest.
Coyote in nearby national forest.
Coyote in nearby national forest.  Yes, different coyote than previous image, a little bigger.
I´ve gotten bad images of bobcats before but haven´t posted one here before.
I set this trailcam to get a closeup of a bobcat I´ve seen in this part of the national forest, but so far just a ground squirrel.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Polarizer filter, exposure 1/3 second.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  Polarizer filter, exposure 1/2 second.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  Polarizer filter, exposure 1.6 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  Polarizer filter, exposure 1/2 second.
Snow Creek in the national forest.  Polarizer filter, exposure 1/2 second.,
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  Stacked ND and polarizer filters, exposure 30 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  Stacked ND and polarizer filters, exposure 30 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  ND filter, exposure 15 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  ND filter, exposure 13 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,.  ND filter, exposure 13 seconds.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Exposure 1/2000 second.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Exposure 10 seconds, neutral density filter.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Exposure 1/1250 second.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Exposure 30 seconds, neutral density filter.
Snow Creek in the national forest,. Exposure 13 seconds, neutral density filter.

Red Lodge 4th of July 2023, Home of Champions Rodeo - PRCA Xtreme Bulls July 1, Home of Champions Rodeo July 2-4.
Cowboy goes flying, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Cowboy runs for it, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bullfighter Ezra Coleman steps in, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Wear your mouthpiece.  PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bullfighter Ezra Coleman taunts the bull, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull takes out the clown barrel, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.  No clowns were harmed.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bullfighter Ezra Coleman distracts the bull, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bullfighter Ezra Coleman taunts the bull, PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
PRCA Xtreme Bulls, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bullfighter Ezra Coleman rushes in to help a bull rider whose hand is caught.  Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bull Riding, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Help me, Jesus, Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Bareback Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Steer Wrestling, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Steer Wrestling, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Steer Wrestling, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Steer Wrestling, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Steer Wrestling, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Team Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Team Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Team Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Team Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
This is what it looks like if you do it right.  Team Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Saddle Bronc, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Tie-down Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Tie-down Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Tie-down Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Shai Schaefer, Lake Creek, Texas, winner of Breakaway Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Breakaway Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Breakaway Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Breakaway Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Breakaway Roping, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Mutton Busting, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Mutton Busting, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Mutton Busting contestant gets a picture with the rodeo queens, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Mutton Busting, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Barrel Racing, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Barrel Racing, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.
Barrel Racing, Home of Champions Rodeo, Red Lodge, MT.

Red Lodge 4th of July 2023, Home of Champions Rodeo parade - Rodeo parade, July 4, 2023.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.
Home of Champions Rodeo Parade, Red Lodge, MT.

Red Lodge 4th of July 2023, fireworks - Red Lodge fireworks, July 4, 2023.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.

Flowers, spring/summer 2023 - Flowers in the Red Lodge area, spring/summer 2023.
Prairie crocuses, out in the woods.
Prairie Crocuses
Prairie crocuses, Red Lodge Fairgrounds.
Prairie crocuses, Red Lodge Fairgrounds.
Wildflower, Montana.
Red Lodge Fairgrounds.
Wildflowers and an ant, Montana.
Trumpet lichen, Montana.
Wildflowers, Montana.
Wildflower, Montana.
Wildflower, Montana.
Wildflower, Montana.
Bee on flower, Clark´s Fork Waterfowl Production Area near Bridger, MT
Bee on flower, Palisades Trail 109.
Bee on flower, Palisades Trail 109.
Bug on chive bloom.
Bug on chive bloom.
Daisies along the highway.
Flower in the forest.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109.
Little butterfly on flowers at Vista Point, Beartooth Highway, Montana.
Flowers along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Bug on a flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Bug on a flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Bug on a flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Bug on a flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Flower along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Plant going to seed along NSF Palisades Trail 109, Montana.
Sunflower, Aurora, CO.

Backyard images, summer 2023 - Images from the yard and surrounding area, summer 2023. Bears, mountain lion, moose, magpies, hummingbirds, deer, butterflies, and marmots.
Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger.
Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger.
Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger.
Magpie in back yard.  Remote trigger.
Crow in back yard.  Remote trigger.
Little brown bird.  Remote trigger.
Northern Flicker.
Northern Flicker.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in low light.
Hummingbird in low light.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Hummingbird in back yard.
Mountain lion in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Mountain lion in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Black bear in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
A brown-colored black bear cub in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
I´ve gotten hundreds of trailcam images of this ground squirrel on a log where larger mammals have been seen passing.  Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Moose pair in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Moose calf in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Moose in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT, my brother´s trail camera.
Moose in the neighborhood, Red Lodge, MT.
Moose cow/calf in the neighborhood, Red Lodge, MT.
Moose in the neighborhood, too tall for the trailcam, Red Lodge, MT.
Deer in back yard.
Deer leaping fence.
Deer in back yard.
Deer in neighborhood.
Deer on trailcam in national forest.
Deer on trailcam in national forest.
Deer grotesquely shedding its velvet.
Deer on trailcam, Red Lodge, MT.
Sandhill crane near Red Lodge, MT.
Sandhill crane in the neighborhood, MT.
Butterfly on the Palisades Trail, Montana.
Butterfly on the Palisades Trail, Montana.
Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Butterfly near Lake Creek Falls, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Cat-faced spider on my driveway.
Cat-faced spider on my driveway.
Marmot at the top of the pass, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Marmot, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Marmots, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Marmot, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.
Marmots on alert as predator flies over, Beartooth Highway, Wyoming.

Northern Drive - Mackinac Island, Michigan and sights along the way.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Surrey Hill Carriage Museum, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Grand Hotel Carriage Museum, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Grand Hotel Carriage Museum, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Grand Hotel stables, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Rifle demonstration, 1884 Springfield .45-70, Fort Mackinac, Michigan.
Mackinac Island has a long history with bicycles.  Fort Mackinac, Michigan.
Living quarters kitchen, Fort Mackinac, Michigan.
Cannon salute, Fort Mackinac, Michigan.
Squawking gull, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Gull, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Gull, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Gull, British Landing, Mackinac Island, Michigan.

Wings of Mackinac - Wings of Mackinac Butterfly Conservatory, Mackinac Island, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.
Wings of Mackinac, Michigan.

Southwest, October 2023 - Arizona and New Mexico, October 2023.
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta, dawn.
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
A small part of the mass launch, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Drone light show, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Drone light show, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Drone Show
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Fireworks, Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta.
Tetons on the drive south.
Coyote bounding through field north of Grand Canyon North Rim.
Point Imperial, Grand Canyon North Rim.
From the Historic Navajo Bridge over the Colorado River.  We saw condors here a few years ago but missed them this time.
Petrified Forest National Park.
Petrified Forest National Park.
Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park.
Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park.
Painted Desert, Petrified Forest National Park.
Turkeys, Bosque del Apache NWR.
Quail, Bosque del Apache NWR.
Finch, Bosque del Apache NWR.
Rock Squirrel, Bosque del Apache NWR.
Bosque del Apache NWR.
Small sandpiper, Bitter Lake NWR.
Plover, Bitter Lake NWR.

Annular solar eclipse - Annular solar eclipse from Rio Rancho, NM, Oct. 14, 2023. Orange color images were shot with film filter on camera lens, neutral color images shot with glass filter on telescope.
Annular solar eclipse, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular Eclipse 2023
Annular solar eclipse, 81 minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, 58 minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, 39 minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, 19 minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, two minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, two minutes before peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, perfect annulus.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, two minutes after peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, three minutes after peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, three minutes after peak, detail of previous image showing Moon mountains.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, 21 minutes after peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, 32 minutes after peak.  Glass solar filter on Televue 85 telescope, Canon 6D Mark II camera on T-mount, 600mm F7 equivalent.
Annular solar eclipse, switching to a different camera, some clouds at the start of the partial phase, 80 minutes before peak.  Film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, 36 minutes before peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, 11 minutes before peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, three minutes before peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, two minutes before peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, at peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.
Annular solar eclipse, three minutes after peak, film solar filter on 100-400mm camera lens, 1.4x extender, Canon R10 camera.

South Dakota, Autumn 2023 - Two quick trips through western South Dakota, September-October 2023.
View of the bison herd from the new Bison Center, Custer State Park, the day after the annual roundup.
View of the bison herd from the new Bison Center, Custer State Park, the day after the annual roundup.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Fat prairie dog ready for winter, Wind Cave National Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn among autumn vegetation, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park.
The Needles, Custer State Park.
Rock formations in The Needles, Custer State Park.
A dead tree looks like it was screwed into the rock in The Needles, Custer State Park.
Needle´s Eye, Custer State Park.

Local images, Autumn 2023 - Images from the yard and surrounding area, autumn 2023.
Black bear mama, Custer Gallatin National Forest, near Red Lodge, MT.
Black bear cub, Custer Gallatin National Forest, near Red Lodge, MT.
Cinnamon-colored black bear cub, Custer Gallatin National Forest, near Red Lodge, MT.
Cinnamon-colored black bear cub, Custer Gallatin National Forest, near Red Lodge, MT.
Deer with lopsided antlers in back yard.
A late October fog and snow storm flocks the spruce tree in my yard.
Moose in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Moose in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Moose in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Moose in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Elk in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Elk in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Elk in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Elk in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Elk in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Bobcat in Custer National Forest, Montana.
Deer in the back yard, Montana.
Deer in the back yard, Montana.
Deer in the back yard, Montana.

Local images, Winter 2023-24 - Trail camera in the Montana woods.
Bobcat in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Bobcat in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.
Coyote in Custer Gallatin National Forest south of Red Lodge, MT.

[Blog entries for 2023]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil