All photos on 2019
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Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2019.

Top 10 (+) Bighorn Sheep images from Badlands of South Dakota - Favorite Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep images from Badlands National Park, South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond.
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.
Badlands Bighorns

Top 10 (+) Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota - Favorite Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park.
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison launches, Custer State Park.
Baby bison leaping
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck (left) chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns sprinting
The old pronghorn buck (left) chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.

Top 10 (+) scenic images from South Dakota - I'm not really a scenic photographer, but here are some scenes (and some "other") from around South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Transit of Mercury, Nov. 11, 2019.  Mercury is the tiny dot near the center of the Sun.  No sunspots, unusual.

Yellowstone winter tour - Yellowstone National Park, snow coach tour to waterfalls, January 2019.
Coyote on the frozen Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote on the frozen Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote on the frozen Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote crossing the road, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote crossing the road, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote crossing the road, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote along the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote gets ready to climb the fallen tree, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote jumps up to the fallen tree, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote completes jump onto the fallen tree, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote climbs the fallen tree, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote atop fallen tree, Yellowstone National Park.
Yellowstone Yote
Coyote trudges through the snow, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote among the trees above the Madison River, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison on the road, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison on the road, Yellowstone National Park.

Yellowstone winter drive - Yellowstone National Park, Lamar Valley drive, January 2019.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn paws through snow to uncover grass, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn ram and lamb in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorns in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.  One ram, two ewes (one with locator collar), and one lamb.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorns in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.  Ram, ewe and lamb.
Bighorn digs through the snow to reach grass, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn digs through the snow to reach grass, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Where´s Waldo?  See if you can spot the four bighorns in this image, Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn between Mammoth and Tower, Yellowstone National Park.
Bighorn between Mammoth and Tower, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison in the Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Elk near Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.  Photo by Susan Pilaszewski-O´Neil with my camera.
Elk near Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.  Photo by Susan Pilaszewski-O´Neil.
Elk in Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.  Photo by Susan Pilaszewski-O´Neil.
Elk in Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Elk in Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Elk in Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Liberty Cap, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Lower Terrace, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Magpie, Mammoth Hot Springs, Yellowstone National Park.
Raven, Tower-Roosevelt area, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote, between Tower and Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote ambling down the road between Tower and Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote, between Tower and Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote, between Tower and Lamar Valley, Yellowstone National Park.
Coyote, near Phantom Lake, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison, between Mammoth and Tower, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison, between Mammoth and Tower, Yellowstone National Park.
Bison sweeps snow with his head, between Mammoth and Tower, Yellowstone National Park.
Not all wildlife is in the parks.  Red Lodge, MT is overrun with dozens of turkeys.
Deer hiding in residential spruce tree, Red Lodge, MT.
Deer hiding in residential spruce tree, Red Lodge, MT.
Deer hiding in residential spruce tree, Red Lodge, MT.

Black Hills and Badlands - Custer State Park, Wind Cave National Park, and Badlands National Park, May 2019. Bison, bighorns, elk, pronghorn, bluebirds, prairie dogs, and some ducks near my house.
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison getting ready to jump the creek, Custer State Park.
Baby bison launches, Custer State Park.
Baby bison leaping
Baby bison is airborne, Custer State Park.
Baby bison sticks the landing, Custer State Park.
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison looking for milk, Custer State Park.
Baby bison looking for milk, Custer State Park.
Bison relaxing, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Baby bison finds milk, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison calf finding shelter, Custer State Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Bison herd on private land south of Badlands National Park.
Pronghorns share the grassland with the bison, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck (left) chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns sprinting
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck (left) chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
The old pronghorn buck chases a member of its herd, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns, Custer State Park.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park.
This was a bit confusing.  There were eight animals off in the distance, and it wasn´t until I got the big lens on them that I could tell there were three elk and five deer.  What´s up with that?  It was just a coincidence, they weren´t hanging out together.  The deer took off and the elk did not follow. Custer State Park.
Elk, Custer State Park.
Mountain Bluebird, Custer State Park.
Mountain Bluebird, Custer State Park.
Swallow trying to feed the chick inside the nest box, Custer State Park.
Swallow trying to feed the chick inside the nest box, Custer State Park.
Swallow trying to feed the chick inside the nest box, Custer State Park.
Swallows, Custer State Park.
Bird in a stream, Wind Cave National Park.  The closest I can come to a bird ID is Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle variety.
Bird in a stream, Wind Cave National Park.  The closest I can come to a bird ID is Yellow-rumped Warbler, Myrtle variety.
Magpie, Custer State Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.
Bighorns on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.  There are three ewes and three lambs in this image.
Bighorns on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.  There is a lamb at lower right.
Bighorns on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.
Bighorns on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.  There are two lambs in the center of the image and another partially obscured by his mother at upper right.
Bighorns on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn on the peak above Ancient Hunters Overlook, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn ewe, Badlands National Park.
Sneak in one image from the previous month, bighorn herd in Badlands National Park.
Sneaking in three images from close to home, starting with ducks on what I believe is a muskrat hut in a pond near my house.
Geese next to a pond near my house.
Geese in a pond near my house.

4th of July fireworks - 4th of July fireworks, Red Lodge, MT, 2019.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Red Lodge Fireworks
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.
Fireworks, Red Lodge, MT.

Trailcam update - Trailcam images, Luther, MT, 2019, including a glimpse of a mountain lion, a bear, and the usual deer.
Mountain lion (upper left), Luther, MT.
Black bear, Luther, MT.
Deer in the New Year´s snow, Luther, Montana.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.
Deer, Luther, MT.

Sioux Falls Air Show - U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, Heritage Flight, Sioux Falls Air Show, August 17-18, 2019.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Skydiver brings in the flag, Sioux Falls Air Show.  Lucas Oil stunt plane escorts him down.
Heritage flight, Sioux Falls Air Show.  The flight featured Navy planes (from top) F/A-18 Hornet, AD-4 Skyraider, and FJ-4B Fury.
Heritage flight, Sioux Falls Air Show.  The flight featured Navy planes (from top) FJ-4B Fury, AD-4 Skyraider, and F/A-18 Hornet.
Navy fighter FJ-4B Fury, Vietnam era carrier plane for ground attack.
Heritage flight, Sioux Falls Air Show.  The flight featured Navy planes (from top) F/A-18 Hornet, AD-4 Skyraider, and FJ-4B Fury.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
USAF Thunderbirds, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Canadian CF-18, Sioux Falls Air Show.
C-17 transport plane, Sioux Falls Air Show.
Vanguard Squadron, Sioux Falls Air Show.
P-51 Mustang Red Tail chases F-4U Corsair, Sioux Falls Air Show.
P-51 Mustang Red Tail chases F-4U Corsair, Sioux Falls Air Show.
TBM Avenger, Sioux Falls Air Show.

Badlands - Badlands National Park, November 2019. Bighorn Sheep.
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.
Badlands Bighorns
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Badlands Bighorn
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn ram chasing an ewe across the field, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorn, Badlands National Park.
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.
Bighorns, Badlands National Park.

Transit of Mercury - Transit of Mercury, Mercury crossing the Sun, November 2019.
Transit of Mercury, Nov. 11, 2019.  Mercury is the tiny dot near the center of the Sun.  No sunspots, unusual.

Loess Bluffs NWR - Loess Bluffs National Wildlife Refuge, December 2019.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Missouri Eagle
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Juvenile Bald Eagles sparring, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle in nest, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle catching some rays to warm up, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagle from a different angle, showing wing detail, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Bald Eagles near the nest, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Hawk, perhaps rough-legged, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Harrier hawks are elusive, all I got was this distant shot, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Blackbirds flocking, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Blackbirds flocking, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Trumpeter swans, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Trumpeter swans, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Trumpeter swans, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Trumpeter swans, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Trumpeter swans, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Snow geese, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Snow geese, Loess Bluffs NWR.
Snow geese, Loess Bluffs NWR.

Trailcam update - Trailcam images 2020. Mountain lion, moose, fox, deer.
Fox near Luther, MT.
Fox near Luther, MT.
Deer near Luther, MT.
Deer near Luther, MT.
Deer near Luther, MT.

[Blog entries for 2019]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil