All photos on 2022 |
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Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2022. | |||||
Yellowstone winter tour and drive - Yellowstone National Park, snow coach tour to waterfalls, Lamar Valley drive, February 2022. | |||||
Yellowstone Moose |
Yellowstone Bison |
Ski Joring in Red Lodge - Ski Joring National Championships, Red Lodge, MT, March 12, 2022. | |||||
Spring in Red Lodge, bluebirds (DSLR) - Bluebirds in the back yard, DSLR images, April-June 2022. | |||||
Bluebird dinner |
Spring in Red Lodge, bluebirds (trailcam) - Bluebirds in the back yard, trailcam images, April-June 2022. | |||||
Winter/Spring in Red Lodge, other wildlife - Other wildlife besides bluebirds, January-May 2022. | |||||
Drive to the Southwest - Wyoming, Idaho, Nevada, California, Arizona, Utah, April 2022. | Grand Teton Moose |
Marmot |
Yellowstone before the flood - Abundance of bears in Yellowstone, May 2022, less than a month before flooding closed down the park. Also bison calves and moose. | Yellowstone cubs |
Yellowstone cubs |
Yellowstone Moose |
Sunlight Ranger Cabin, Wyoming - A couple days at the Sunlight Ranger Cabin, Shoshone National Forest, May 2022. | |||||
Warbirds - Warbirds visit Bozeman airport, June 2022. | B-17 Sent. Journey |
B-25 Maid/Shade |
B-25 Maid/Shade |
B-25 Maid/Shade |
Red Lodge 4th of July parade - Red Lodge 4th of July parade, 2022. | |||||
Red Lodge 4th of July rodeo - Red Lodge 4th of July rodeo, 2022. | Red Lodge Rodeo |
Red Lodge 4th of July fireworks - Red Lodge 4th of July fireworks, 2022. | Red Lodge Fireworks |
Oregon - Hood River Oregon, July 2022. | |||||
Waterton-Glacier - Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park, September 2022. | |||||
Summer 2022 - Backyard wildlife and trailcam images, summer 2022. | |||||
Autumn 2022 - Backyard wildlife and trailcam images, quick trip to Yellowstone, Autumn 2022. | |||||
[Blog entries for 2022] |
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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil