All photos on 2013
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Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2013.

Chicago - I temporarily lived in Chicago 2011-13. Various sights from around town.
A view of Chicago from just off shore in Lake Michigan.  Thereīs the Willis Tower again.
This subway car struck my fancy because it was a few weeks before actually going to Montana, Chicago.
Millenium Park, Chicago.
From the top of my apartment building, I took this snapshot as the Chicago Black Hawks Stanley Cup parade passed within a couple of blocks.

Mississippi River eagles - Mississippi River eagles, Iowa/Illinois, January 2013.
Eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles roosting at sunset, Hamilton, Illinois.
Bald eagle, Hamilton, Illinois.
Bald eagle, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle tearing apart a fish, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Juvenile Bald eagle with a fish, Mississippi River.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.  One eagle has a fish and the other one is interested.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Miss. River Eagles
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle over the Mississippi River, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle over the Mississippi River, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagles on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle at Lock and Dam 18, Oquawka, Illinois.
Bald eagle at Lock and Dam 18, Oquawka, Illinois.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle on the frozen Mississippi River shore, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle, Ft. Madison, Iowa.
Bald eagle, Ft. Madison, Iowa.

Florida - Quick swing through Florida, January 2013.
Yellow-crowned night heron (juvenile) catching little crabs, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Florida Heron
Yellow-crowned night heron (juvenile) catching little crabs, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Yellow-crowned night heron (juvenile) catching little crabs, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Yellow-crowned night heron (juvenile) catching little crabs, Ding Darling National Wildlife Refuge, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Osprey, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Red-bellied Woodpecker, Honeymoon Island State Park, Florida.
Wood Stork by a pond behind a shopping center, somewhere in Florida.
Lots of pelicans and their small ugly anhinga cousins, Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Egret, Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Ibis, Ding Darling NWR (Bailey Tract), Sanibel Island, Florida.
Rail being shy, Ding Darling NWR (Bailey Tract), Sanibel Island, Florida.
Rail, Ding Darling NWR (Bailey Tract), Sanibel Island, Florida.
Butterfly, Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Butterfly, Ding Darling NWR, Sanibel Island, Florida.
Eagles Nest, Big Cypress Bend, Florida.
Ibis, Big Cypress Bend, Florida.
Ibis, Big Cypress Bend, Florida.
I found this little gecko inhabiting the balcony area of my hotel room in Miami.  Fortunately he stayed outside.

Black Hills - Elk on trailcam and bighorns by the road, March 2013.
Coyote trudges through the snow, trailcam photo, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewes lounging by the side of the highway, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewes lounging by the side of the highway, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewes lounging by the side of the highway, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewes lounging by the side of the highway, Custer State Park, South Dakota.

Michigan - Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island, August 2013.
Mackinac Island, Michigan, 2013.  No cars!
McGulpin Point Lighthouse near Mackinaw City, Michigan, August 2013.
Old Mackinac Point Light, Mackinaw City, Michigan, August 2013.
Old Mackinac Point Light, Mackinaw City, Michigan, August 2013.
Arch Rock, Mackinac Island, Michigan, August 2013.
Sugarloaf, Mackinac Island, Michigan, August 2013.
Rock stacking along the bike trail, Mackinac Island, Michigan, August 2013.

Front-yard hawk - Hawk ripping apart a bird in my front yard, September 2013.
Cooperīs Hawk dining on some other bird in front of my house, South Dakota.
Cooperīs Hawk dining on some other bird in front of my house, South Dakota.

Trailcam check - Trail camera check, October 2013. Elk.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Coyote on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Lopsided antlers, elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Deer on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.

New Mexico and Arizona - Trip to Southwest, October 2013.
Bull elk hanging around the visitorīs center at Grand Canyon National Park.
Grand Canyon.
Elk near the visitorīs center at Grand Canyon National Park.
Elk near the visitorīs center at Grand Canyon National Park.
Elk near the visitorīs center at Grand Canyon National Park.
Sedona, Arizona.
Pronghorns patrol the Very Large Array, New Mexico.
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix.
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix.
Desert Botanical Garden, Phoenix.
Downtown Scottsdale.
Old Town Albuquerque.
Old Town Albuquerque.
San Felipe de Neri, Old Town Albuquerque.

Montana and Wyoming - Red Lodge, MT, Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Spearfish Canyon, SD, June 2013. Mostly scenics.
Faraway lightning, Luther, MT.
Montana Lightning
Sunset, Luther, MT.
Storm starting, Luther, MT.
Faraway lightning, Luther, MT.
Backyard visitor, Red Lodge, MT.
Backyard visitor, Red Lodge, MT.
Backyard visitor, Red Lodge, MT.
Mountain Bluebird, Red Lodge, MT.
An osprey nest on a prominence in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone.
Old Faithful, Yellowstone.
Bison and rainbow, Yellowstone.
Grand Tetons.
On the way to Montana, Roughlock Falls, Spearfish Canyon, SD.
On the way to Montana, Bridal Veil Falls, Spearfish Canyon, SD.

Trailcam check - Trail camera check, April 2014. Elk on trailcam, and coyote walking down the road.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, SD.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, SD.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, SD.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, SD.

Top 10 (+) big bird images from South Dakota - Favorite images of big birds (other than eagles) from South Dakota 2007-17 an beyond.
Cooperīs Hawk dining on some other bird on the electrical box in front of my house.

[Blog entries for 2013]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil