All photos on 2011
Enter a year 1998-2025.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 2011.

South Dakota - Cleghorn Canyon, Custer State Park, central South Dakota, January 11-13, 2011. Bighorns, bison, eagles, pronghorn, turkeys.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn ewe peers down from a resting spot, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Sure-footed bighorn sheep bobbled jumping to here, jumped back down and tried again.  Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bighorn sheep, Cleghorn Canyon, Rapid City, SD.
Bald Eagle, Custer State Park, SD.
Bald Eagle, Custer State Park, SD.
Bald Eagle, Custer State Park, SD.
Distant shot of a golden eagle, Custer State Park, SD.
Golden eagle along the road north of Winner, SD.
Golden eagle along the road north of Winner, SD.
Bald eagle near Fort Randall dam on the Missouri, South Dakota.
Rough-legged hawk near Fort Randall dam on the Missouri, South Dakota.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison calf looking for its mother, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison hit the slopes, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison sweeps away the snow with his nose, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison, Custer State Park, SD.
Bison in the cold, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorn, Custer State Park, SD.
Pronghorns, Custer State Park, SD.
Turkeys, Custer State Park, SD.
Turkey, Custer State Park, SD.
Bighorns, Cleghorn Canyon, SD.

Black Hills - Custer State Park, South Dakota, July 2011. Bighorn lambs.
Bighorn lamb, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Black Hills Bighorns
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lamb, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lamb, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lamb, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorns, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Wild lily, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
All four bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
All four bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn ewe, Custer State Park, South Dakota.
Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park, South Dakota.

Butterflies - Butterflies, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD, April 2011.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Sertoma Butterfly
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly on a sponge, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.
They have fish too, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls, SD.

New York City - New York City Buildings, Monuments and Museums, Spring 2011.
1 World Trade Center.
St. Patrick“s Cathedral, New York.
St. Patrick“s Cathedral, New York.
USS Intrepid, New York City.
Dassault Etendard IV M, USS Intrepid, New York City.
F-4 Phantom, USS Intrepid, New York City.
USS Intrepid, New York City.
MiGs lined up on USS Intrepid, New York City.
F-14 Tomcat, USS Intrepid, New York City.
A-12 Blackbird, USS Intrepid, New York City.
F-16 Falcon, USS Intrepid, New York City.
USS Intrepid, New York.
USS Intrepid, New York.
Model of the USS Intrepid made from 250,000 Legos, New York.
Times Square, New York.
Times Square, New York.
Radio City Music Hall, New York.
1 WTC the day after the terrorist was taken out.
Tulips on Park Avenue, NYC.
Tulips near Ground Zero, NYC.
Color in New York City, Clinton Community Garden.
Tower of Jewels from the Canary Islands, New York Botanical Garden.
Tower of Jewels from the Canary Islands, New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
Jade Vine from the Phillipines, New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
Renovated azalea garden, New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
Peonies, New York Botanical Garden.
Peonies, New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
New York Botanical Garden.
Statue of Liberty.  I have some better images from last year.
George Washington“s first inauguration was at this location, Federal Hall on Wall Street, New York, 1789.
Rush hour at Grand Central Station.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Crimson clover, Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Mardi Gras rose, Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Bleading hearts, Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Turtles, Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
Top of the clock in the Waldorf Astoria reception lobby.
Rose sculpture on Park Avenue.

Bosque del Apache NWR - Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge, New Mexico, November 2011.
Eagle roosts as snow geese fly by, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese on the road, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Ducks file past, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Coot among the snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Snow geese, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Eagle waiting for something to happen, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Roadrunner, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Flicker, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Kestrel, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Kestrel, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Kestrel, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Pelicans, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Turtle making tracks, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Harrier, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Harrier, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Hawk, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Mule deer, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Sandhill cranes, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.
Marsh overlook, Bosque del Apache NWR, New Mexico.

White Sands NM - White Sands National Monument, New Mexico, November 2011.
White Sands NM, New Mexico.
White Sands NM, New Mexico.
White Sands NM, New Mexico.
White Sands NM, New Mexico.
White Sands NM

Trailcam check - Wind Cave National Park, July 2011-February 2012. Elk, first images from Reconyx trailcam, still among the best I've gotten.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.  Cropped version.
Black Hills Elk
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.  Uncropped version.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Distant view of elk near where I had the trail camera set up, Wind Cave National Park, South Dakota.
Elk and a little bit of snow, trail camera in Wind Cave National Park.

Black Hills - Custer State Park, December 2011. Eagle, coyote, turkeys, even a prairie chicken.
A familiar eagle in Custer State Park a few yards from the south entrance on Highway 87.  I“m fairly sure this is the same eagle seen the the same tree back in 2008, and at other times around the park
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle closeup, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle closeup, Custer State Park.
The eagle tree on Highway 87, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns and bison, Custer State Park.
Turkey near the visitor center, Custer State Park.
Just part of a huge flock of turkeys near the visitor center, Custer State Park.
Fat prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie dog, Wind Cave National Park.
Prairie Chicken, Custer State Park.
Deer, Custer State Park.
Custer State Park.
Lone bighorn ewe, Custer State Park.
Coyote, Custer State Park.
Coyote, Custer State Park.
Coyote, Custer State Park.
Moon rising, Custer State Park.

Mississippi River eagles - Mississippi River eagles, Iowa/Illinois, February 2011.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle having a meal, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle having a meal, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle coming in for a landing, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle taking off, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle taking off, Keokuk, Iowa.
Bald Eagle over the Mississippi River, below Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle with fish, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Chickadee, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Chickadee found something of interest in the snow, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Red-bellied woodpecker, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Red-bellied woodpecker, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.
Downey woodpecker at feeder, Credit Island, Iowa.
Cardinal, Credit Island, Iowa.
Cardinal at feeder, Credit Island, Iowa.
Cardinal, Credit Island, Iowa.
Pelican, somewhere over Iowa.
Deer in Neal Smith NWR near Des Moines, Iowa.
Bald Eagle, Lock & Dam 18, Gladstone, Illinois.

Chicago - I temporarily lived in Chicago 2011-13. Various sights from around town.
Buckingham Fountain, Grant Park, Chicago.
South Dakota Tyrannosaurus Rex "Sue" on display at the Field Museum, Chicago.
South Dakota Tyrannosaurus Rex "Sue" on display at the Field Museum, Chicago.
"Forever Marilyn" statue, Chicago.  Note the pervs at lower left.  The statue was moved to Palm Springs, CA in 2012.
"Shoe" statue located near Navy Pier, Chicago.  The artist isn“t saying what it means
Navy Pier, Chicago.
Chicago Harbor Light off Navy Pier, Chicago.
Marina Towers, Chicago.
Marina Towers, Chicago.
Wrigley Building, Chicago.
Wrigley Building and Tribune Tower, Chicago.
Smurfit Building, Chicago.
Somewhere in Chicago.
I lived in this 28-story apartment building at 180 North Jefferson St. on the northwest side of downtown Chicago for two years-2013.
I took this snapshot of my 27th-floor Chicago apartment shorting after moving in.  The apartment faced west, away from downtown, so very few landmarks were visible except the United Center (Bulls, Black Hawks), the white building in the middle left window.

Top 10 South Dakota Elk images (Trailcam) - Favorite trailcam images of South Dakota elk 2007-17 from Wind Cave National Park.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park.
Elk on trail camera, Wind Cave National Park.
Elk on trail camera as dusk falls, Wind Cave National Park.

Top 10 South Dakota Elk images (SLR) - Favorite SLR images of South Dakota elk 2007-17 from Wind Cave National Park.
Distant view of elk near where I had the trail camera set up, Wind Cave National Park.

Top 10 (+) Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota - Favorite Rocky Mountain Bighorn Sheep images from Black Hills of South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery in Rapid City.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep on the hillside overlooking Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery, Rapid City.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn sheep clambering up the hillside overlooking Cleghorn Springs State Fish Hatchery, Rapid City.
Rocky Mountain Bighorn lambs, Custer State Park.

Top 10 (+) Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota - Favorite Bison and Pronghorn images from South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond. Locations include Custer State Park and Wind Cave National Park.
Bison, Custer State Park.
Pronghorns and bison, Custer State Park.

Top 10 eagle images from South Dakota - Favorite eagle images from South Dakota 2007-17. Locations include Custer State Park, Ft. Randall dam, and a nest near Quinn.
Bald Eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.
Bald eagle, Custer State Park.

Top 10 other mammal images from South Dakota - Favorite images of "other mammals" from South Dakota 2007-17, not including elk, bison, bighorns and pronghorns.
Coyote, Custer State Park.

Top 10 small flying things images from South Dakota - Favorite images of little birds and butterflies from South Dakota 2007-17.
Butterfly, Sertoma Butterfly House, Sioux Falls.

Top 10 (+) scenic images from South Dakota - I'm not really a scenic photographer, but here are some scenes (and some "other") from around South Dakota 2007-17 and beyond.
Eagle tree on Highway 87, Custer State Park.  The tree has since been blasted by lightning and I haven“t see eagles in the area recently.

[Blog entries for 2011]

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil