Tyrannosaurus rex
They say dinosaurs are birds. Here's some giant terrifying birds dug up in South Dakota. Click on thumbnail to load larger image.
Random street scene in downtown Los Angeles.  I have no idea why these guys were carrying around a giant dino balloon.
Tyrannosaurus Rex named Stan, Black Hills Institute, Hill City.  Thatīs not his real skull (see next photo). The Tyrannosaurus Rex skull is too heavy to mount on the skeleton, so this is Stanīs skull, Black Hills Institute, Hill City.
South Dakota Tyrannosaurus Rex "Sue" on display at the Field Museum, Chicago. South Dakota Tyrannosaurus Rex "Sue" on display at the Field Museum, Chicago.
T-Rex Stan, Black Hills Institute of Geological Research, Hill City, SD.

6 Tyrannosaurus rex photos

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All photos ©1998 - 2024 by Thomas O'Neil