My OCD lately manifests as the need to fill in every date on the calendar for Photo of the Day/Today in History. I awoke today with the knowledge I was missing a POD for today. When this happened August 20, a moose pair obligingly ran past my bedroom window that morning. This morning it was sort of the same as three deer were seen grazing in the field behind the house. The only one with antlers came toward me and jumped the fence into our back yard. The jumping image is not tack sharp so I decided to choose one of the others as POD. ISO 800, f/5, 1/250, it was still a bit overcast at 8:47 AM. After I took it I realized I was using equipment I purchased this year, the 6D Mark II camera and the 100-400mm version 2. Not new tech, but new to me. I dare say the new lens is sharper than the old version, but it is not any faster at f/4.5-5.6.
I still have 12 more unfilled days on the POD calendar, all between December 30 and April 13. The pressure will be on as I try to get an image for February 29. If I miss it in 2024, there won't be another chance for four years.
 Photo of the Day
 Approaching the fence
 Taking the leap