I really don't remember sending in a photo for this one, but another one of my puffin photos made it into another book about Maine. It's a paperback book with images of all the critters that can be found in Maine, including the New Brunswick puffins shown below. (Disclaimer: Although the Canadians claim Machias Seal Island and have operated a lighthouse there for 175 years, the official U.S. position is it is part of the Maine.) I only got one copy, so y'all have to buy your own this time! (Apologies to Southerners for any misuse of "y'all.") I have just the one photo in the book (below) although it appears on the dedication page and again inside. It's the same photo that's on page 28 of the other book. The name of the book is "In Maine Woods and Waters" by George J. Lambert. As of 2023, the book is out of print and hard to find on used book sites.  Click for web site photo |