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Moon, Provia slide taken with Pentax KX t-mounted to Meade ETX 125 telescope.  Telescope shows image reversed left to right.
Crescent Moon and Venus.
Digiscoping the Moon, Canon G6 and Televue 85.
Digiscoping the waning Moon, Canon G6 and Televue 85.
Digiscoping the waning Moon, Canon G6 and Televue 85.  Detail of previous image, showing the 100 km crater Theophilus (with the obvious center peak) lower right and part of the Montes Apenninus mountains upper left.
Moon one day past full with 500mm lens and 1.4x extender on DSLR.
Almost-full Moon setting over Red Lodge Mountain.
Full Moon setting over Red Lodge Mountain.
May as well finish off this album with a shot of the full moon.  6D, 500mm, 1.4x extender.

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil