Trailcam check
Wind Cave National Park, photos from my trailcams for the past six months through October 2016. Click on any image to load larger image and start slide show. [Narrative]
Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on Moultrie trailcam, Wind Cave National Park.  Compare to following image on Primos trailcam. Elk on Primos trailcam, Wind Cave National Park.  Compare to previous image on Moultrie trailcam. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park.
Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park.  Based on other images in this sequence, I estimate more than 20 elk passed through this area at this time. Elk on trailcam just before dawn, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Elk on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park. Coyote on trailcam, Wind Cave National Park.
Distant SLR shot of elk while hiking down to my trailcam location, Wind Cave National Park.

Blog Entries for Trailcam check:

Blog Entries for other October 2016:
October 2016
10/13/2016 Elk and Parks, and a few Olympians - A long drive around the West. elk, bighorn, scenic, ski

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil