Summer 2005
I didn't have a big trip this summer, unless you count spending four months in Kansas City on a work project. From there I went on long weekends to Wisconsin, St. Louis, Colorado, back home to New England for the Braintree Hawks and the Blue Angels, and of course some exploring in and around Kansas City. Click on links to open photo pages.
Blue Angels in tight formation, Rhode Island ANG. Rhode Island ANG Air Show, June 2005 Bee, Kansas City. Western Missouri, 2005
St. Louis Arch. St. Louis, June 2005 Fireworks, Hudson Gardens, Colorado. Colorado, July 2005
Sausage race, Miller Park, Milwaukee. Milwaukee/Green Bay, May 2005 Redstone rocket, Kansas Cosmosphere, Hutchinson. Kansas Cosmosphere

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All photos ©1998 - 2025 by Thomas O'Neil