In my recent walks through the Montana forest and bike rides around town, I've noticed that the flowers change from week to week. In May, it was what my brother says are Paschal Lilies (but which I have since decided are Prairie Crocuses). And it progressed from there.
Since I ended up with more than 40 images, I set up a separate page on my site spanning spring and summer 2023. Click on one of these images to see the slide show.
 Prairie Crocuses
 Bee near Bridger
 Palisades Trail
Even though I ride my bike near one of the trailheads, I haven't hiked the National Forest Service Palisades Trail #109 since autumn a few years ago. I was surprised by the variety of flowers when I stopped there July 12, and came back July 15 with my macro lens. Even in those three days, the sunflower variety had faded and I had to hunt for some good ones. We'll see what happens as we progress toward fall, at this and other locations.