The 4th of July is the biggest day (and week) of the year in Red Lodge, Montana. Everything is centered around the Home of Champions Rodeo, which now runs four days starting with the Xtreme Bulls on July 1. I have posted 149 images to my web site (because I can), mostly of rodeo events, and most of those from the bull riding. Most of them were shot on the 1st and 2nd, with a few on the 4th. The weather and the light weren't great much of the time (except for a few events on the 2nd), but I did my best with camera settings and Photoshopping to get something presentable. I actually forgot my camera battery for the parade, so those images were shot with my phone and turned out OK. I used my Canon 6D Mark II and 24-105mm lens on fireworks for the first time, and I wasn't 100% pleased with the results. But I think Photoshop saved me there also, and I've made some notes for next year that will hopefully make things easier.
Back in journalism days, one of the biggest battles from sporting events was making sure to get everyone's name for the photo captions. I don't do that these days, so most of the subjects of these images are unidentified, with two exceptions. Shai Schaefer won the breakaway roping, and I just happened to take a picture of the new video board after her effort. The other person identified in these images is the incredible bullfighter, Ezra Coleman. I have multiple images in the slide show of him taunting the bulls to draw them away from fallen bull riders. The riders have their competition over in eight seconds, but he is out there for everyone. It would be worth taking in a bull riding event just to watch the bullfighter. Don't call him a clown, that's a different guy.
Click on an image to start the slide show at that point.
 Head over heels for rodeo
 Bullfighter Ezra Coleman
 Fireworks |