Spring is slow in coming to Montana, so we took a 10-day drive southwest starting April 14. We saw moose and sheep in Wyoming, marmots and waterfalls in Idaho, rocks and more rocks in California, cactus in Nevada, red rocks in Arizona and Utah, and (not pictured) spent a couple of days in Las Vegas. We wanted to drive down to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon, but discovered that road is closed until mid-May. Instead we drove through Vermilion Cliffs National Monument and I spotted my first California Condor at the Navajo Bridge in Arizona. The tags on its wings indicated it was an 18-year-old male. Even though we started off in the middle of April, we drove through some snow at both ends of the trip. Click here for the photo gallery. Here is a small sample.
 Grand Teton Moose
 Las Vegas Finch
 Vermilion Cliffs National Monument