Keokuk Eagle
Digital images fill up a computer hard drive quite quickly, so at some point I have to declare a project completed and clean up the mess. I just went through my eagle photos from last month for a final time and deleted all the blurry ones before backing up to DVD. But I also came across a few more worth posting. I previously posted another image from the same sequence as this photo, but I think this one is now my new favorite for this project. This link goes to the slide show, starting with five new eagle images and continuing on with images previously posted.
On a somewhat related matter, I've come to the conclusion that doing video correctly requires a lot of effort. No wonder when the credits roll at the end of a TV production there are dozens of names. I took some video of the eagles but haven't even viewed it yet. I took almost an hour of video in the Galapagos in December. I'm going to keep the tape as a memento but most of the video is too shaky to put together something for public consumption. Video is kind of fun, but in the context of what I'm posting here it's just the occasional supplement. |