All photos on 1998
Enter a year 1998-2024.
Some pages contain images from more than one year and the descriptions may refer to other years, but displayed here are only the photos taken in 1998.

Massachusetts - Around Massachusetts circa 1998-2007, wildlife, scenery, astrophotography.
Paul Revere statue near Old North Church, Boston, MA.
Nauset Light, Eastham, Mass.
Nobska Light, Woods Hole, Mass.

Baseball - Favorite baseball images from 1998-2005. Spring training, Arizona Fall League, Fenway Park, other venues.
Peoria´s Jose Ortiz takes the throw as McKay Christensen of Phoenix slides into second, 1998 Arizona Fall League.
Grand Canyon´s Jerry Hairston, Jr. (Orioles) dives, 1998 Arizona Fall League.

[Blog entries for 1998]

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All photos ©1998 - 2024 by Thomas O'Neil